Thursday, December 23, 2010

New York Day #1

Our New York Trip was wonderful. We have lots of pictures to share so we'll split them up into different posts.
The first day wasn't exactly spectacular. The plane ride was pretty good, Gavin took a short nap between flights (of course he wouldn't sleep on the plane) and kept most everyone on the plane entertained.
Once we arrived at Laguardia, that's when the real trouble started. Our driver was no where to be found, which ended up being fine because we couldn't find one of our bags...specifically Gavin's bag with diapers, blankets, stuffed animals, food - all the essentials of course. Once we finally found our driver we were headed to Marriott Marquis in Time Square. Right in the middle of the action - awesome.
Gavin's favorite - Elmo on the streets of NYC.
We got settled and headed on foot to Rockefeller Center in hopes to run into some family. Jason's cousin also happened to be there with his family; he was proposing to his girlfriend (she said yes!). It was so romantic and beautiful...well from what we heard. It was so, so, so crowded we never could find them. We were able to meet up with them the next day and hear all about it.

Stranded at the airport waiting for luggage...that never came. It was delivered to our hotel around 3 or 4 am the next day.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Neighborhood Cookie Exchange

This evening Barb is going to a neighborhood cookie exchange. Always a wonderful idea for the holidays. Take a couple dozen...come home with a large variety of delicious sweets. We baked this past weekend and used a new cookie cutter set (early Xmas gift from Renee...thank you) from Williams Sonoma that spells out holiday sayings. It was so cute! Below are the pictures of the cookies we made. Click on the link for the recipes if you like.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Talk & Walk

Anytime a phone rings Gavin calls out "Daddy, Daddy" because he assumes Jason is on the phone. If Jason is home and the phone rings then Gavin shouts "Hello, Hello". He loves the telephone and these days if you catch him at the right time he will have a several minute conversation (that sounds Chinese) with you. He has seen Barb on the phone enough that he too knows how to turn on the iPhone (if you have one you understand that it's pretty sophisticated for a 17 month old).

Ow-side, Ow-side, Ow-side. He'll say it over and over and over until he actually gets to go outside. Little man loves the outside, and really loves to walk! As stated in an earlier post he truly is Mr. Independent. He is getting so big, and so vocal it's amazing.

Saturday Holiday Dinner

Last Saturday we had the Links over for dinner - YEAH! We've gone too long since our last dinner date. Either way we always have a great time when we are together. We also seem to always find a camera and take pictures. Gavin got to open his present early, it was a good indicator into what Christmas Day will bring - a baby that really likes paper and boxes :-)
Finally, a great picture of the 3 of us. Usually one of us is behind the camera and we can never get us all together. Thank you Uncle D!!
"Gavin look...paper, paper, paper!! It's so exciting!"

The Socktopus; made from recycled sweaters and so adorable!
Big man of the house chilling on the couch with the grown ups.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tree Trimming

I don't know how, but this little guy knew what to do with these strands of beaded garland. Well not exactly what to do, he wasn't hanging it on the tree - but he sure played cute with them so I could take some fun photos. Jason wasn't too up on the fact his son was stringing beads around his next, but I thought it was cute. We had fun hanging all of our ornaments! It's always fun to walk down memory lane with the ornaments in the box. Luckily we put our tree up fairly early this year so we've been able to enjoy it. And Gavin hasn't messed with it at all!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I can do it myself!!

Gavin is getting more and more independent each day. This meal he decided he wanted to feed himself. The pictures say it all.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Day at the Farm

Today we went to Mother Nature's Farm in Gilbert, AZ. It was our first time there, and next year I think we'll be sure to go in October so we can pick our pumpkins. Today was SNOW DAY! They build a big mound of hay and cover it with snow for the kids to play in. It was almost 80 degrees today so there was a LOT of mud; we decided to skip playing in the snow and save that until February in Colorado!! We saw lots of other things and had a some fun family time!
And we're off....
Gavin is all boy, he loved the big tractors. He kept calling them a bus??

Bonked his head inside this so it wasn't really that fun.
A really great hay maze.

Goats that he tried to kiss
What does a cow say Gavin? "Moooooo"

Baby pigs, they were very muddy and stinky!
It was a fun day, we look forward to going back next year!

Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!

How can this not put a smile on your face? Thanks Lisa for sending it!!
Happy Holidays!!