Our New York Trip was wonderful. We have lots of pictures to share so we'll split them up into different posts.
The first day wasn't exactly spectacular. The plane ride was pretty good, Gavin took a short nap between flights (of course he wouldn't sleep on the plane) and kept most everyone on the plane entertained.
Once we arrived at Laguardia, that's when the real trouble started. Our driver was no where to be found, which ended up being fine because we couldn't find one of our bags...specifically Gavin's bag with diapers, blankets, stuffed animals, food - all the essentials of course. Once we finally found our driver we were headed to Marriott Marquis in Time Square. Right in the middle of the action - awesome.
Gavin's favorite - Elmo on the streets of NYC.

We got settled and headed on foot to Rockefeller Center in hopes to run into some family. Jason's cousin also happened to be there with his family; he was proposing to his girlfriend (she said yes!). It was so romantic and beautiful...well from what we heard. It was so, so, so crowded we never could find them. We were able to meet up with them the next day and hear all about it.

Stranded at the airport waiting for luggage...that never came. It was delivered to our hotel around 3 or 4 am the next day.