Monday, October 12, 2009

Seahawks vs. Jaguars

Gavin is the Seahawk's good luck charm because they won, and they won big. Barb & Jason are still trying to figure out how he slept through the majority of the game (when I say majority I mean all but maybe 5 minutes). Don't mess with Gavin when it's time to sleep or eat!

Yes he's sleeping as we're all screaming!

He woke up briefly so dad could take a picture. As you can see he's not real enthused.

Woke up when the game was over and was ready to eat!

After he ate, he fell asleep again. What a nut! Go SEAHAWKS!!!!!


  1. So funny. That's amazing that he slept through all that moving and yelling. I guess he's pretty content when he's wrapped up so close to his mom. :) And I agree with Melissa -- Barb, your hair looks great!
