Gavin is starting to really play with his toys and entertain himself. He's still a little small for the school bus, but he does like it. Thank you to our friends the Keane's for donating it to the Gavin collection...what a deal!
Gavin has had several visitors over the last few weeks as well. Great Grandma Blanche came 2 different weekends, and then he had Great-Great Auntie Alice (picture above), Great Auntie Sue, and he spent a weekend without mom and dad with Grandma Patti in charge. He had lots of fun with all those ladies spoiling him...oh I mean taking care of him.
Barb ran in the PF Chang's Rock & Roll 1/2 marathon in January. She had her best time ever...exactly 2:00 hours (and a few seconds). Gavin, Jason, Patti, Sam, and David's dad Art were all there to support her. Sam had lots of fun signs that gave the runners a laugh. David ran the full marathon - we're so proud of him. Look at that medal!
Who YOU calling crabby? Seriously, Gavin is one of the happiest babies we've ever been around. Sure there are times he cries, but not often and almost always for a reason. We are so lucky to have such a happy, cheerful, easy-going baby! Could we be so lucky to have baby #2 as easy?? Probably not.
Great update, guys. Goodness, you guys are all over the place. Travel, races, company, babies. It's a lot! Congratulations to Barb on another half marathon and an awesome pace and time!