Monday, March 8, 2010

[**So BIG**]

Gavin decided he was a big boy this weekend. He pulled himself up in the crib and stood there for 10 minutes or more...laughing, smiling, giggling, bouncing, he thought he was pretty cool. Of course we all stood there laughing right back at him - so much for not encouraging him. Needless to say the railing on the crib has now been moved up. Soon the bumper will come out so he doesn't use it as a tool to escape from the crib.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness that is a cute kid!! I just love looking at him. Is that weird? :) It's amazing how fast he's grown. I haven't seen him in too long! Looking forward to Friday if you're still up for it. (No pressure if not. Whatever works!)
