We had a wonderful time with friends (our KC family) celebrating the big boys special day. He was so excited from the time he went to be Friday night until the clock said 4:02 pm (party was at 4:00) and he said "Dad, why isn't anyone here yet?". The excitement continued through a couple hours of partying, until he happily laid his head on his pillow cuddled with a few new toys and happy that he had such a fun day. We asked if he was tired and his response "Yeah, a little...I had such a great birthday party!" What a sweet boy.
Opening presents, possible his favorite part (next to the cake of course)
Barb & Liam, a rare photo
Mr. Manners thanking Liz for his present.
Making a wish
Yet another attempt at a family photo, Gavin hamming it up!
Gavin & Ironman...excuse me Gavin IS Ironman (or so he says)
Little brother relaxing after a very busy party with a lot of people.
Time for bath and then bed, can you see how tired he is? :)
Jason & Liam
A birthday isn't complete without the official birthday suit!!!
Thanks to all of our friends who came to the party. We had a great time visiting with you all and you made it that much more special for Gavin!!