Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Stats

A little more timely is the stats for Miss Lola.  Speaking of growing, she's off the charts (well almost).  She definitely holds the height record in the Hendricks Kids club.  Who knows she may end up being the tallest of all of us (ok maybe not Jason).  She is happy and healthy, we couldn't ask for anything more.  She's holding her head up now and loves just watching the craziness (brothers) around her.  She sits in her high chair at the dinner table and converses with the family, lots of goo goo ga ga talk.  We all love it though.  I'm sure we'll have lots of pictures to post soon as she's going to begin trying solid foods - whoa, big girl!

Lola's 4 month stats
Height = 26.5" - 98%
Weight = 13.5 lbs - 44%

And the comparisons...
Gavin 4 month stats
Height = 26.5" - 89%
Weight = 17.5 lbs - 86%

Liam 4 month stats
Height = 25.5" - 70%
Weight = 14.8 lbs = 38%

The Stats

A little behind on blogging about our 2 year old, but we've been waiting for his official 2 year old pictures to get finished.  Our little ray of sunshine (or not) is growing and starting to talk...a lot!  He's got a temper on him when he doesn't get his way and he loves to argue with Gavin (Gavin argues right back).  With all of those things put aside he is the sweetest, most loving, caring little boy you could ever meet.  He adores Lola and is always wanting to cuddle and love on her.  He uses his manners well and gives hugs, kisses, and high 5's to everyone he sees.  He's 2, what can we say...sometimes they just have to test us!

Liam 2 year stats
Height 35" - 65%
Weight 28 lbs - 50%

For a fun comparison...

Gavin 2 year stats
Height 35.75" - 83%
Weight 32 lbs - 95%