Saturday, September 3, 2016

Dancing with the the RAIN

We pile everyone in the car for Gavin's fall ball games each week.  Sometimes fun for the family, sometimes not.  This time Jason was out of town so Barb didn't have a choice but to take everyone.  We met Grandma Patti there and took our seats on the bleachers.  About 3 minutes before the game started, the rain drops started. Within 10 minutes it was a full down pour!  Most parents and kids were hiding in the dugout trying to stay dry.

Not the Hendricks!  Rain often translates to dance party in our world. Why not?  It's only rain, and God made it so it must be good, right?  Plus the mud that we all end up covered in comes off in the shower.  Needless to say, we were the last ones to leave the ballpark.

Good times.  Making memories.

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