Gavin is just like his mom & dad, he loves his GADGETS! Unfortunately for us he spends a lot of time communicating with us via the phone. He has learned it quite well. He hears the house phone ring and he runs right over to wear it sits docked, he knows not to touch it, but sits and waits for one of us to pick it up. Then the yelling begins, he assumes every call is for him. He walks around the house like a grown up with that thing stuck on his ear. Oh yes, and he does talk...and talk, and talk, and talk. It sounds Chinese, but it sure is cute!
Whenever the opportunity is right, the video camera is no where in sight, battery is dead, or I just plain forget. Watching Gavin with his keyboard is about the funniest thing I've seen all year. Hopefully we can get some video of this singing, dancing, acting boy and post it here soon. He gets most of his moves from his Dad!! :-)
Cute, cute, cute. I love that he says hi when he picks up the phone! He's so funny. That keyboard is awesome. I'm willing to bet his mom has taught him a few hip hop moves, too. :)