I can't tell you enough what a wonderful event the Susan G. Koman 3 day is!! The fact that it is in multiple cities, every year amazes me. You really have to experience it to understand what I mean. I just attended the Seattle 3 Day as a crew member (not as a walker), working for the Gear and Tent Crew. I'll leave out the boring details and tell you this is one of the most physically challenging crews to be on during the 3 day. Betsy and I decided "we're young and physically fit, we can do it" and do it we did! We were sore, and tired, hungry & thirsty all the time; we were just too busy to deal with any of those concerns :-) I do have a new respect for my crew members here in AZ, and have a couple of surprises planned for them this year! Below are just a few pictures from our weekend. Jason and I are still trying to raise money for our Arizona walk in November. If you haven't yet donated and would like to you can click the link on our blog to do so. Thank you!

The entire Gear & Tent Crew - Seattle 2010 (well minus Betsy because she had to go back to work). Yes Betsy got up at 2:45 am, loaded walkers luggage onto these moving trucks and then went to work at 7:00 am for a full day of work on Friday.

Josh, Betsy, Barb, and Sean. Josh & Sean were also on gear and tent, they made the weekend really fun. Sean's wife & friend were walkers in the event.

Seattle rain...urgh! It rained on Thursday and Friday - was gorgeous sunny (73 degrees) on Saturday, and then rained again Saturday night and Sunday.

Bags, bags, bags and more bags. I will never apply for a job at Southwest Airlines. Very few people stuck to the guidelines of 35 lbs. or less. Approximately 2,200 walkers and 500 crew members = a lot of luggage!

We managed to take 1 picture the entire weekend of ourselves. Too busy to even think about the camera.

A constant reminder why we were there and what all the hard work was for!
What an AWESOME THING TO DO. You rock!! Betsy, too. As a walker, you know how much the crew means to you, and it's cool you gave of yourself on that end of the 3-Day, too. You and Betsy will always have this together. What a great memory maker. You ladies are the best.