Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Baby #2 Ultrasound

We are well into the pregnancy now, 6 months down only 4 to go.  These ultrasound pictures were taking at exactly 1/2 way through (20 weeks).  The results were great!  The baby weighed just under 1 pound in these photos, crazy how tiny it is.  Although the baby was tiny, the doctor still said the baby is "biggish".  Oh boy!  The Hendricks blood line sure knows how to have BIG babies!  If you can't make out the photos, don't feel bad - until I became a mom I could never figure these things out either.
 Eye, nose, and lips - with it's hand touching it's nose.
 We like this one because it's a great picture of the face.  We think the nose and lips look very similar to Gavin (which takes after mom)
 Baby would not hold still for the ultrasound technician - but it did wave as she took a picture.
 Cutest little foot we've ever seen!!
All cuddled up in a little ball - but a great profile picture of the entire healthy little munchkin!

Girl or Boy you ask?  We don't know, we don't want to!  The lab was even great about sending the results to our doctor and left off those details - so no chance of our doctor slipping up either.  We won't know if we're doing natural or C-Section until  November.  Stay tuned, we'll keep you all posted.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that you're waiting to find out the sex. We did the same with both Jack and Kate. It's something to look forward to after all that pushing (or surgery, whichever!). I can't wait to hear from Sam what you have. So very excited for you and your family!
    Do you have names you want to share or are they a secret too???
